Thursday, July 30, 2015


Loan mudah untuk membeli lori.
Syarat :
1. SSM Melebihi 2 tahun (Jika kurang boleh call saya utk info lanjut)
2. Bank statement 6 bulan (Jika kurang boleh call saya utk info lanjut)
3. Rekod hutang yang masih berbayar (Jika ada) Tidak melebihi 3bulan tunggakan.
4, Tidak blacklist.

Call saya adam untuk pertanyaan lanjut. PM saya jika serius...!
Maaf jika pertanyaan anda melalui private msg lambat mendapat respon. Saya akan balas satu persatu. Terima Kasih...
010-7048077 Adam


  1. According to international finance group, agriculture is a major source of livelihood throughout the world, especially for the majority of poor people living in rural areas in developing countries. A key challenge for the majority of these farmers is access to finance. Lack of access to finance is a key impediment to farmers in improving the efficiency of their productions and adopting better technologies. So that, to have a better understanding about the agricultural finance is a very important things to the farmers or others people that may related to it in the daily life. So that, after reading this artikel, we may have the understanding about the financial concepts and the practical applications of finance that is essential for anyone, especially the important managerial problems in agriculture that involve finance.Contact for agricultural loans and other kind of loans at the rate of 2%.
